Friday, July 24, 2009

The Beginning

Hi! Okay, I'm new at this so I'm learning as I go along. I guess the first place to start is with me. I'm pretty much normal I think. I'm starting my first year as an engineering/physics student. I'm an adrenaline junkie, I love my best friends, I'm easily amused, I love driving, motorcycles, bright colors, piercings, and hair dye. I love looking at the inner beauty behind things most people would disregard. You'll learn more as this grows. :). Next, the point of this blog. Um, pretty much just to get ideas out of my head so it won't explode. This is just my thoughts and ramblings and stuff I wanna tell to people that'll care to listen. Alrighty, this is it for my first post and if you read this far then thanks!